PTU would like like to help the people of Portland know where candidates stand on critical tenant issues. In March we sent candidate questionnaires to every candidate running for elected office on Portland's City Council, for Multnomah County Chair, or for Governor for the primary elections. Below are the names of the candidates that returned our questionnaires and the grades they received. Click on a candidate to read their full responses and learn more about their scores. Go to the bottom of the page to learn more about our process.
Portland City Council, Position 2
Portland City Council, Position 3
Multnomah County Chair
Oregon Governor
Oregon Commissioner of Labor and Industries
About our process: Questionnaires were sent out to all candidates running for Portland's City Council, for Multnomah County Chair, or for Governor using contact info registered in ORESTAR. Candidates had about three weeks to fill out the questionnaires. The questionnaires consisted of 15 questions. 8 questions were yes or no questions, or similar to that, and candidates were awarded either 2 points or 0 points for them. The remaining 7 questions were open-ended. PTU invited any current tenant member to participate as a grader. A team of three graders reviewed the open-ended questions on forms where the candidates names were removed, and gave each question a score form 0 to 5. Those scores were then averaged to get the candidates score for that questions. Candidates also received 24 points for taking the time to fill out the questionnaire. All the points were added together to arrive at a score out of 72 possible points. Click on the candidate's name to see their responses and their scores for each question.
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