PTU Radio #3: Relocation and Renter's Rights
In September of 2017, Margot Black and Jamey Duhamel discussed the state of the relocation assistance policy, what relocation assistance is, their hopes for the community, and their commitment to advocating for renter's right.
Read morePTU Radio #2: Living in an RV
Barrett is living in an RV along the streets of Portland, Oregon. In this episode, he talks about living in the RV, the ups and downs he faces living in the RVs, the work he is doing with Portland Tenant's United and the hopes he has for the city and how the city treats people living in their RVs along the street
Read morePTU Radio #4: The Start Of Portland Tenants United
Portland Tenants United is a growing tenants union dedicated to organizing tenants to take action to strengthen and enforce tenants rights and protections.
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PTU Radio #1: Chestnut Court Tenants Union
Chestnut Court Tenants’ Union (CCTU) was formed by the tenants of the Chestnut Court Apartments in Portland, Oregon on November 1, 2016 in response to a notice from our landlord of yet another rent increase; the fourth rent increase in less than two years.
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